24 Haziran 2009 Çarşamba

modest mussorgsky (pictures at an exhibition)...

albüm için link
rar şifresi : sisedekibaliklar


01- promenade I
02- gnomus (the gnome)
03- promenade II
04- il vecchio castello (the old castle)
05- promenade III
06- tuileries
07- bydlo
08- promenade IV
09- ballet des poussins dans leurs coques (ballet of the chicks in their shells)
10- samuel goldberg et schmuyle
11- limoges, le marché (the marketplace at limoges)
12- catacombe, sepulchrum romanum (catacombs, roman tombs)
13- cum mortuis in lingua lortua (with the dead in a dead language)
14- la cabane sur des pattes de poule (the hut on fowl's legs)
15- la grande porte de kiev (the great gate at kiev)
16- night on the bare mountain
17- sunrise
18- prelude and dance of the persian slaves
19- galitsin's entrance
20- prelude to sorochintsy fair
21- gopak

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